On May 15-16, 2017, the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces community will celebrate 9 years of success by holding Editorial Advisory Board meetings along with a technical workshop hosted by the International Joint Laboratory of Resource Chemistry (IJLRC) at Shanghai Normal University.  The meetings and Resource Chemistry Workshop will be attended by 25 editors from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, along with 15 members of the journal’s international advisory board and 15 special invited speakers.

The technical workshop, for invited local faculty and students, will feature approximately 55 talks by internationally recognized scientists working in the field of applied materials and interfaces, with a focus on applications relevant to environment and resource chemistry, and materials science.  Featured speakers will present plenary and invited lectures on a range of topics including photocatalysis and heterogeneous catalysis, materials for applications in medicine and biology, solar cells, solar fuels, and next generation light emitting devices. 

Many editors from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces will be available during the meetings and workshop to discuss the journal scope and manuscript submission and review processes.  On May 17 an ACS on Campus  event will be held at Shanghai Normal University, with a further ACS on Campus in Nanjing on May 18. 
The ACS on Campus events are open to all interested scientists (students, staff, faculty) from the area who are interested in learning more about the technical publication process (manuscript submission, review and revision). Several editors from ACS journals will be presenting modules focused on publishing and question and answer periods will be held to allow audience participation.

I look forward to seeing you in Shanghai!
Kirk S. Schanze
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

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